What is a Career in Executive Coaching like? In Conversation with an Executive Coach, Co-Founder & CEO
On the show today we meet Farley! Farley works as an Executive Coach, Co-Founder & CEO in the professional services industry (coaching skills for managers) in the UK.
Farley kindly shares with us:
- Common misconceptions of the executive coach role
- An overview of the coaching industry
- The purpose of the executive coach role
- What an executive coach does on an average day
- Most enjoyable parts of the role
- Challenging parts of the role
- Proudest moments in the role
- How Farley became an executive coach, co-founder & CEO from aspiring computer programmer
- Highs of the career journey
- Challenges of the career journey
- Importance of role models and mentors
- Helpful education, training and skills for aspiring executive coaching professionals
- The future of the coaching profession
- Advice and resources for people who are keen to find out more about a career in coaching:
- Advice for his younger self and you!
We also talk about:
- The value of encouragement and surrounding yourself with positive role models and peers
- Finding your feet in a new environment and overcoming imposter syndrome
- The importance of identifying your knowledge gaps and working hard to address them
- Taking risks, saying yes, jumping in and rising to challenges
- Having the courage to put yourself in positions of failure
- The challenge of business building and importance of being resilient in the face of rejection
So if you’re curious and wondering what an executive coach does or how to become an executive coach, listen, watch and enjoy!
PS – If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please get in touch, we would love to hear from you!